Being unemployed over summer is a liberating freedom but not without it's disadvantages. Not having money to spend on going out means you often have a very basic existence. This is all very good though as it means i have plenty of time to train. One thing i learnt whilst on the road, travelling, living out of a backpack is just how little you need in order to have fun and enjoy life.
This week has been a barrage of training. Completing 2, 10km runs and a 9km run along side my regular weights sessions has been excellent, even if it has left me eating like a horse :-) My fitness levels are at an all time high and i feel great. Strength training is good. My dynamic power and strength are increasing and this will be really helpful, especially in the legs, with all the running.
My only disappointment is that my new hiking boots have left me with some pain in my right foot and i have not been able to wear them since. This is very frustrating as they are both new and unbroken and i can't break them in further until my foot heals properly. I know what you're all thinking though...terribly hard life when the only concern in your life is a pair of hiking boots.
The weekend is here now and this always brings new possibilities as the urbanites leave the confines of the office environment and venture for fun and entertainment. Hopefully I'll be able to get another walk in on Sunday as well as some running and weight training in the next couple of days.
I miss being on the road at the moment though. Travelling is an experience unlike any other. When you are alone, venturing through places that you have no idea about except what you have picked up from fellow adventurers or a guide book with limited information, you feel so free. You are the master of your own destiny and have no one to answer to other than your own consciousness. It's brilliant. To spend a lot of time in the UK at the moment feels like a bit of waste. Although seeing friends and family is great the UK holds very little in terms of the charm of being out in the wild on your own. Everything seems dulled down. What once was a thrill is now merely an occurrence that you have seen all to many times before. I'm aching for the excitement of the unknown again. It will be here again before long though...
Sounds like someone still has a major case of the 'Get me the hell out of the UK, let's go travelling' illness that has affected many a good man. Enjoy the training bro. You're doing the best route by starting at Moshi so I'm told.